

Peer Support After A Substance Loss

At PATH (Peace, Acceptance, ​Togetherness, Healing), we offer a ​compassionate community for ​those mourning a loss due to ​substance use, providing a space of ​empathy and shared strength

Our gatherings—both virtual and ​in-person—are a testament to the ​power of collective support, ​honoring the memories of our loved ​ones as we walk the journey of grief ​together.

Uniting as families and friends, we ​transform our individual ​experiences into a beacon of hope ​and healing. Join us, and find a ​haven where every story is heard, ​and no one walks this path alone.

Sometimes, the simple act of being understood is the support we need.

PATH is an Alberta-based community of family members connected by the profound experience of losing a loved one to substance use. We provide a supportive sanctuary that fosters empathy in every interaction.

Our collective journey of grief is faced with shared support and understanding, and together, we transform individual experiences into collective strength, honoring our loved ones and supporting each other at every step.

Our mission is to offer solace and hope, helping each member move forward in peace, acceptance, togetherness, and healing.

P.A.T.H. is a heart-led peer support group for families touched by the loss of a loved one to substance use.

Our purpose is simple: to share in grief and healing together.

We are not an advocacy group or a religious organization; our bond is the common thread of experience.

While we don't provide counseling, we offer a space for understanding and mutual support in our collective journey.

Black stone with the inscription Strength

A strong support system makes all the difference.

Regular Online Meetings

A time to share memories, tears, and encouragement.

In-person gatherings

Together, we celebrate the lives of our loved ones, keeping their memories alive in our shared stories and moments of reflection.

Group of Students Holding Hands

Our Member’s Voices

Talking with people who truly get it has made all the difference."

— Emma L.

"This group helped me survive the darkest period of my life.

— Nicholas N.

I found a group where it's okay to just be sad, or even angry or both. We remember the good times and support each other through the tough ones.

— Leslie B.







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